Monday, April 16, 2012

Boarders without Borders

Until today I had not heard the name Hannah Teter. She is a highly regarded international snow boarder who has won an Olympic medal in her event. Today I read that she is taking part in a documentary titled "Boarders without Borders," in which she will travel to Iran to snowboard in the Alborz Mountains. She said she likes the idea of snowboarding in an area she does not know, but more importantly she wants to promote a better understanding of the Iranian people and their culture, keeping politics out of it. Good for her! We need more people with this type of attitude. I was dismayed to read some of the ignorant comments made by people who accused her of being a communist (Iran isn't a communist nation....I wonder what their logic is?), etc. When will the ignorance end? It will only end when we have more people with Hannah's mindset and approach in positions of power and influence.

Check out what Hannah is proposing to do in the video below. Spread the word! And if you can, send her a nice word or two to counter the bile that has been directed her way.


  1. Do you have a twitter? I am with Borders Without Borders. Well said...

  2. shoot me an email if you would at
