Sunday, February 21, 2010

A Little Perspective, Please.

By now we have all heard Tiger Woods's very public apology. While we can all debate why he was forced to make an apology to us, it is very disconcerting that the media devoted so much attention to an issue that
really should not be within their purview. Since when is someone's infidelity our business? What is it about sex that enthralls us? Why was President Clinton impeached for lying about having sex with an intern, yet nothing happens to George W. Bush, whose lies led to the deaths of many innocent soldiers and civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan?

As the public and the media cling to the Tiger Woods saga like young puppies to their mothers' milk, many other stories, of real importance are being missed. No one is paying attention to the number of corporations investing so much money into the Tea Party movement, such as the Ensuring Liberty Corporation, which interestingly enough, does not disclose its sources or the amounts given to it. Check out Open Secrets to review some interesting data.

More sinister yet mundane to the public and the media are these statistics: 78 rapes occur per hour (1,871 per day), one rape occurs every 6 minutes (using this figure that would mean that 10 women were raped while Woods issued his mea culpa--where is the outrage for that??). In the U.S. there are over 3,400 animal shelters, yet there are only 1,200 shelters for battered women. Check out the Women's Defence Center for more interesting statistics. Instead of fixating on the behavior/misbehavior of celebrities we need to focus more on addressing issues that have more relevance to us as a society.

Leave Tiger Woods alone. What he did should only be important to his wife and to him. For those who argue that they portrayed him as a role model to their children, I say this, shouldn't YOU be the ideal role model?

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