Thursday, April 14, 2022

The Rise of the Intreprideur

In her 2007 book The Shock Doctrine, Naomi Klein, assails the predatory behavior of capitalist leaders who swoop in after a natural or man-made disaster to set their plans in motion while the local population is reeling in a state of shock or the government is distracted. Examining cases from Iraq to Chile to Indonesia she deftly illustrates how individuals and corporations took advantage of the shock of a Gotterdämmerung to strike while the iron is hot and impose their ideas and profit-making aspirations while there is minimal resistance. 

Although it has been 15 yeas since the publication of that book, a residue of Klein's message remains. There will always be someone who will try to take advantage of an adverse situation to make a profit. 

The first appearance of Covid-19 in 2020 wreaked havoc on all professions and remade how we envisioned work. Indeed, it launched an era of per ardua ad astra thinking that many of us have struggled to navigate through. But others saw an opportunity. 

Intrepideur (n)-an individual or company who with little or no fear or experience seeks to migrate their business to a sector normally not affiliated with their line of business or area of expertise.

Intrepideur combines "intrepid" and "entrepreneur" to identify individuals or organizations that attempt something new while downplaying the expertise and knowledge of the people who work in the sector they are cavalierly encroaching upon. This individual is intrepid for taking such a bold move, albeit with little experience. The entrepreneurial aspect lies in the innovative vision that is being applied. But does it mean it is the right move for the company or the new clients to which it seeks to work with?

Only time will tell. Until then we have a new descriptor for a new breed of innovators. 

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