Friday, July 2, 2010

Orange Alert!

No, don't worry, the Department of Homeland Security did not release another dictate to keep us in perpetual fear. Instead, this is an alert of a different, more positive and more exciting kind. If you have been watching the World Cup you might have seen an orange streak flash down the wing and eviscerate opposing teams' defenses. Much like Mitt Romney's presidental aspirations, defenders are left tattered, confused and amazed at what just happened to them.

That orange blur is known as Arjen Robben, the mercurial winger who wreaks havoc for the Netherlands. The former Real Madrid play maker has proven to be one of the most skillful players around and I think many people would argue that at this year's World Cup he is among the top 5 most skill players. He is an incredible dribbler and delivers excellent passes to teammates while drawing up to 4 or 5 defenders to him. For people who think footbal (soccer) does not involve skill or pace, they should watch Robben play. He is quite simply incredible. When he moves with the ball he looks frenetic, almost  herky-jerky in his movements as if he had been over-caffeinated. But he is always in control of the ball, very rarely does he lose it. He is fun to watch and I hope all six of my followers (hint, hint--I would like to see more followers!) watch him in action.

In today's victory against Brazil Robben did not score a goal but he made may penetrating runs and was always a looming threat on the Brazil side's goal. He drew many fouls and opened other venues for teammates. And let's not forget his powerful left foot. Lock and load, baby! Bang! This guy is fun to watch, even for casual football fans. Don't believe me? Then check out Arjen Robben in action to see this maestro in action.

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